Education researcher and author David Garcia discusses the complex landscape and historical roots of schooling in the United States.
The Editors | Jan 13, 2022
The story of teaching machines is deeply intertwined with Skinner’s psycho-technologies, which laid a foundation from which education technology has never entirely broken.
Audrey Watters | Sep 3, 2021
In an era when public opinion favored sheltering young people from adult society, the Freeville republic and its many descendants immersed them in carefully designed models of that society instead.
Jennifer S. Light | Oct 9, 2020
As with many preferences, homophily, or a tendency to associate with similar individuals, tends to operate outside awareness.
Abigail J. Stewart and Virginia Valian | Oct 1, 2020
In early cultural exchange programs, the act of sending gifts abroad often doubled as an opportunity for children to rehearse and reinforce narratives about their own national superiority and exceptionalism.
Katie Day Good | Jul 28, 2020
MOOCs, or massive open online courses, can provide guidance and even resources for schools attempting the swift conversion of entire academic programs.
Jonathan Haber | Apr 7, 2020
The younger generation, already saddled with student debt and uncertain jobs, will pay a high price as the crisis unfolds.
Lynn Parramore, INET | Mar 20, 2020
The challenge is not how to “teach creativity” to children, but rather how to create a fertile environment in which their creativity will take root, grow, and flourish.
Mitchel Resnick | Mar 19, 2020
“You are not Proust. Do not write long sentences.”
Umberto Eco | Jul 8, 2019