"Investigations of a Dog" is a funny and deeply philosophical tale of a lone, maladjusted dog who defies scientific dogma and pioneers an original research program in pursuit of the mysteries of his self and his world.
Aaron Schuster | Dec 9
“To exist is to inhabit overlapping ripples of trauma."
Timothy Morton | Dec 5
Echoing Frankenstein’s story, the creation of the atomic bomb illustrates how scientific zeal can blind researchers to foreseeable dangers.
Heather Douglas | Nov 19
Plato's cave metaphor illustrates the cognitive trap of ignorance, where we may be unaware of the limitations of our understanding.
Daniel R. DeNicola | Sep 12
Dennett's classic story raises deep philosophical questions about identity and consciousness.
Daniel Dennett | May 6
Notes on my winter’s visit to Larung Gar, one of the largest academies of philosophy in history.
Matthieu Ricard | Nov 27, 2023
Philosopher Michael Marder explores the problematic figure of “talking trees," from the sacred grove of Dodona in ancient Greece, to the vegetalized human beings in Dante’s “Inferno.”
Michael Marder | Jul 25, 2023
Matthew Ratcliffe’s book "Grief Worlds" is a wide-ranging philosophical exploration of what it is to experience grief and what this tells us about human emotional life.
The Editors | Mar 2, 2023
In the landscape of madness, time lies open and exposed.
Wouter Kusters | Jan 23, 2023
The acceptance of death is deeply embedded in our culture; it's time to overthrow that idea.
Ingemar Patrick Linden | May 30, 2022