From tool-making crows to alligators that lure birds with twigs, animals may be more rational than we ever imagined.
Mark Rowlands | Feb 27
An excerpt from Emmanuelle Pouydebat’s “Sexus Animalis,” an illustrated guide to the amazingly multifarious sex lives of animals.
Emmanuelle Pouydebat | Translated by Erik Butler | Jan 5, 2024
An excerpt from Eva Meijer's book “Animal Languages,” an exploration of how animals speak to each other and to humans.
Eva Meijer | Jul 17, 2023
Harm should be prevented not cheered.
Kendra Coulter | Jul 3, 2023
A short catalog of wondrous beings, excerpted from Emmanuelle Pouydebat's book "Atlas of Poetic Zoology."
Emmanuelle Pouydebat | Illustrations by Julie Terrazzoni | Jul 13, 2021
For nearly two decades, French sound artist Yannick Dauby has journeyed all over Taiwan capturing the songs of frogs.
Tobias Fischer | Jul 1, 2021
Experience is in unexpected places, including in all animals, large and small, and perhaps even in brute matter itself.
Christof Koch | Mar 15, 2021
A host of studies examining animals in their ecological environments suggest that they have evolved to use numbers in order to exploit food sources, avoid predators, and reproduce.
Andreas Nieder | Jul 16, 2020
Among the specious claims about the role of meat in the history of humanity: A meat-rich diet brings with it a masculine vigor that distinguishes carnivorous races.
Josh Berson | Oct 24, 2019