In a capitalist world, the often-overlooked systems of technical standards offer a rare example of economic collaboration that prioritizes the public good over profit.
Jeffrey Pomerantz & Jason Griffey | Mar 24
Cognitive scientist and poet Keith Holyoak examines the essential role analogies play in our capacity for creativity and problem-solving.
The Editors | Mar 13
Every purchase we make ties us to a vast, hidden network of people, machines, and resources — whether we see it or not.
David A. Mindell | Feb 24
Computer scientist Panos Louridas traces the evolution of secret communication, from ancient Greece to the quantum era.
Panos Louridas | Feb 20
Delirium is one of the most perplexing deathbed phenomena, exposing the gap between our cultural ideals of dying words and the reality of a disoriented mind.
Michael Erard | Feb 10
The seemingly simple act of waiting in line is guided by unwritten rules and visual signals that shape how we navigate social space.
Roberto Casati | Feb 3
Our perception of reality is a subjective lived experience, a virtual construct shaped by our senses, biology, and personal history.
Shimon Edelman | Jan 28
Adult anxieties about STEM can stifle children’s curiosity — but there are ways to break the cycle.
Frank C. Keil | Jan 23
Elon Musk's Hyperloop Alpha is another overhyped venture, recycling 200-year-old dreams and exaggerated claims of innovation.
Vaclav Smil | Jan 21
Renowned neurologist Richard Cytowic exposes the dangers of multitasking in the digital age.
Richard Cytowic | Jan 7