Understanding the unique challenges faced by fathers during the perinatal period is essential for providing support that benefits not just fathers, but entire families.
James Rilling | Dec 19
Selections from "Output," an anthology showcasing seven decades of English-language machine-generated texts, long predating ChatGPT.
Nick Montfort | Dec 16
Art critic and publisher Isabelle Graw reflects on the tension between art as a commodity and its enduring physical and symbolic value within capitalist systems.
Isabelle Graw | Dec 13
"Investigations of a Dog" is a funny and deeply philosophical tale of a lone, maladjusted dog who defies scientific dogma and pioneers an original research program in pursuit of the mysteries of his self and his world.
Aaron Schuster | Dec 9
The elusive correspondence artist saw himself reflected in the writer of enigmatic letters to the world.
Ellen Levy | Dec 2
The Malling-Hansen writing ball, with its potential and limitations, redefined Nietzsche’s philosophical and creative expression.
Robert Hassan | Nov 26
From jealous spouses to paranoid bosses, 19th-century pedometers quantified suspicion and reshaped the dynamics of surveillance.
Jacqueline D. Wernimont | Nov 14
London’s bustling fish trade left an indelible mark on the city’s built environment.
André Tavares | Nov 12
“After one thousand years of my existence I have come to the conclusion that life on earth is a cycle of repetitions, especially intolerable for a man of genius, whose entire being yearns for innovation."
Alexander Bogdanov | translated by Anastasiya Osipova | Nov 8
From ancient Carthage to contemporary terror cells, violent ideologies have long plagued civilizations.
J.M. Berger | Oct 31