Despite policies that aim to provide both transparency and access, most students and parents are unaware of what data is being stored and who has access to it.
Kathleen Creel & Tara Dixit | Sep 15, 2022
“Cyberspace” was once celebrated as a public, non-tracked space that afforded users freedom of anonymity. How did individual tracking of users come to dominate the web as a market practice?
Tanya Kant | Oct 8, 2021
From Standing Rock to Syria, drones are being used to hold the powerful to account. Let’s keep it that way.
Austin Choi-Fitzpatrick | Sep 10, 2020
I checked out the scene at a burgeoning international conference and open-air hacker party. Here's what I learned about protecting my privacy online.
Maureen Webb | Aug 31, 2020
In the mid-2000s, RFID drew criticism from privacy experts and became the target of far-right conspiracies. It’s poised to re-enter the public imagination.
Jordan Frith | Mar 5, 2020
Those who know about us have power over us. Obfuscation may be our best digital weapon.
Finn Brunton & Helen Nissenbaum | Sep 25, 2019