Global events such as pandemics can momentarily focus attention on a fundamentally overlooked pre-existing human condition: the sheer inequality of how individuals in power decide who lives and who dies.
John Troyer | Sep 13, 2021
If geographers “carve,” “draw,” or “write” the earth, psychogeographers add a zest of soul to the mix, linking earth, mind and foot.
Karen O'Rourke | Jul 16, 2021
In a city fixated on public health and order, a viral extreme sport offers a challenge to the status quo.
Macs Smith | Jun 28, 2021
Love is a way of taking in the whole world as seen through the eyes of the beloved.
Chad Engelland | May 13, 2021
What a long-forgotten dispute over women’s access to public toilets in 19th-century England says about moral reform.
Robert Baker | Apr 16, 2021
The sublime underlies the nobility of Classicism, the awe of Romantic nature, and the terror of the Gothic.
Simon Morley | Mar 22, 2021
Experience is in unexpected places, including in all animals, large and small, and perhaps even in brute matter itself.
Christof Koch | Mar 15, 2021
Progress in human morality can still happen, but is far from guaranteed.
Philip Laughlin | Feb 16, 2021
In giving voice to the digital ghosts of the deceased, chatbots are trying to succeed where photography and dreams fail.
Davide Sisto | Jan 4, 2021
It is only in the last couple of centuries that we have begun to grasp that our existence might one day cease to exist forever.
Thomas Moynihan | Sep 23, 2020