"Investigations of a Dog" is a funny and deeply philosophical tale of a lone, maladjusted dog who defies scientific dogma and pioneers an original research program in pursuit of the mysteries of his self and his world.
Aaron Schuster | Dec 9
The author and philosopher reflects on the social and psychological burdens that shaped his distant relationship with his father.
Didier Eribon | Oct 7
Clinical psychologist and bestselling author Kay Redfield Jamison explores mood disorders from antiquity to the present, blending science, history, and personal memoir.
Kay Redfield Jamison | May 2
The renowned English writer reflects on the literature that shaped his imagination.
J.G. Ballard | Feb 8
Author Timothy C. Baker examines how our childhood reading shapes our memories and the way we see the world.
Timothy C. Baker | Dec 4, 2023
As with the best science fiction, Lem’s novel “The Invincible” has as much to teach us about our present situations as any futures we may face.
N. Katherine Hayles | Nov 2, 2023
Anton Chekhov's stories are a testament to the way memory can illuminate the path to understanding and endow a life with meaning.
Abby Smith Rumsey | Oct 23, 2023
Jorge Luis Borges was deeply inspired by the work of Giovanni Battista Piranesi, whose prints of imaginary prisons and palaces captured the Argentinian author's imagination.
Victor Plahte Tschudi | Jul 20, 2023
Andrew Mangham, author of "We Are All Monsters," examines how science and literature changed understandings of human difference during the 19th century.
The Editors | Jul 13, 2023
A poetic history of descents, both real and fictional.
William Firebrace | Jan 16, 2023