The diaphragm and cervical cap have been used to signify extramarital sex, working-class status, embarrassment, sorrow, and the onset of adulthood — but rarely a joyful or pleasant sexual encounter.
Donna J. Drucker | May 14, 2020
Anti-pornography feminists see porn as inherently degrading and exploitative, but for some viewers it can be hugely empowering and even a challenge to rape culture.
Milena Popova | Feb 3, 2020
In order to preserve nihilism as a meaningful concept, it's necessary to distinguish it from pessimism, cynicism, and apathy.
Nolen Gertz | Jan 16, 2020
An expert in citizenship reveals the concept’s totalitarian, racist, and sexist underpinnings and considers alternatives.
Dimitry Kochenov | Nov 14, 2019
The French philosopher René Descartes is often credited with discovering the mind-body problem, a mystery that haunts philosophers to this day. The reality is more complicated than that.
Jonathan Westphal | Aug 8, 2019
Karel Čapek's play "R.U.R." premiered in January 1921. Its influence cannot be overstated.
John M. Jordan | Jul 29, 2019
Literary utopias can provoke our critical faculties and open our minds to imaginative — and transformative — ideas.
Nick Montfort | Jul 25, 2019