Matthew Ratcliffe’s book "Grief Worlds" is a wide-ranging philosophical exploration of what it is to experience grief and what this tells us about human emotional life.
The Editors | Mar 2, 2023
In the landscape of madness, time lies open and exposed.
Wouter Kusters | Jan 23, 2023
The acceptance of death is deeply embedded in our culture; it's time to overthrow that idea.
Ingemar Patrick Linden | May 30, 2022
We are, all of us, time’s passengers, witnesses to its passing, which is also our own.
Michael Marder | May 12, 2022
Despite bold philosophical and scientific claims, there’s still no good reason to doubt the existence of free will.
Mark Balaguer | Jan 27, 2022
Love is a way of taking in the whole world as seen through the eyes of the beloved.
Chad Engelland | May 13, 2021
What a long-forgotten dispute over women’s access to public toilets in 19th-century England says about moral reform.
Robert Baker | Apr 16, 2021
Progress in human morality can still happen, but is far from guaranteed.
Philip Laughlin | Feb 16, 2021
Only after new methods emerged for assessing statistics did the previously invisible entity now called ‘population’ become a target for objective investigation.
Thomas Moynihan | Nov 2, 2020
It is only in the last couple of centuries that we have begun to grasp that our existence might one day cease to exist forever.
Thomas Moynihan | Sep 23, 2020