Driven by a childhood marked by war and environmental devastation, Dyhia Belhabib developed an innovative technology to combat illegal fishing.
Karen Bakker | Apr 11
Geologist James Powell chronicles the evolution of our understanding of life in the deep-sea biosphere.
James Lawrence Powell | Apr 8
Research shows that simple practices can help us zoom out, rediscover purpose, and find a fresh perspective when we're feeling burned out.
Elspeth Kirkman | Apr 1
Generation ships offer a tantalizing possibility: transporting humans on a permanent voyage to a new home among the stars.
Christopher Mason | Mar 29
A growing body of research suggests that optimism plays a significant role in promoting both physical and mental well-being.
Immaculata De Vivo | Mar 15
The first global maps of the nuclear contamination of the world reinforced our understanding of the entire biosphere as a radically interconnected ecological space.
Sebastian V. Grevsmühl / translated by Maya Judd | Mar 12
While the concept stretches back centuries, it has garnered significant attention in recent decades.
Karl Widerquist | Mar 7
A simple dice game shines a bit of light on the psychology of regret.
Geoffrey Engelstein | Feb 26
One can undergo a sublime experience even in the face of a life-threatening force.
David E. Nye | Feb 20
Whenever someone waxes poetic about terraforming alien worlds, it’s worth taking a moment to consider the ethical implications of the proposal.
Erika Nesvold | Feb 12